Ascension Parish Real Estate 2019
Ascension Parish real estate was great in 2019. 2,334 homes were listed in Ascension Parish in 2019 and 83.03% of them sold. That’s 1,938 home sales in Ascension in 2019 compared to the 1,888 sales in 2018. More of the inventory moved in 2019 even though the homes sat on the market for almost a month longer. Continuing the good news, the average sales price was up 2% to $258,783. Interestingly enough, even though we hear that a four-bedroom home will sell better than a three-bedroom home, 1,017 of those sales were three-bedroom homes! Area 90 (Prairieville) is where most of those sales happened. Area (92) is on the move with a 60% increase in sales. The new construction around The Reserve at Conway and Pelican Crossing area fueled that increase. Pelican Point saw a renewed interest with the new growth out that way.
East Baton Rouge Parish Real Estate 2019
East Baton Rouge Parish real estate did great in 2019 as well. 7,009 homes were listed in East Baton Rouge Parish in 2019 and 70.77% of them sold. Even more good news was that the average sales price was up 4% to $259,290. The Spanish Town area brought at a whopping 59% increase in the average sales price! Three-bedroom homes won again in East Baton Rouge Parish with many more sales than four-bedroom homes. The whole Area 5 saw a 14% increase in sales with a 2% increase in average sales price to $252,000. This is definitely an area to keep your eyes on!
As a whole, we think 2019 was great for the local real estate markets and expect it to remain steady in 2020. We expect it to remain steady because historically, election years hold tight and may even see a slight decline until a new President is elected. Like you, we will keep a close watch on the market and let you know if we see anything out of the ordinary!
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